Payment Plans

start a project now. pay over time.

here’s how it works

Project Total + 10% / 12 months = Monthly Payment

Does your church need a new website now, but you’re not ready to pay for it quite yet? A payment plan might be a great fit for you.

  1. Book a call with us to get a quote for your project.
  2. We’ll add a 10% service fee to the total.
  3. You’ll pay 25% up-front.
  4. The remaining balance will be paid over the next 12 months.

Note: You will also pay for a Webflow hosting plan once the site is published (about $30/month). This payment will be paid to Sunday Best until the project balance is paid in full. After that point, you will pay Webflow directly for this cost.


  1. Project cost is $20,000.
  2. We add a 10% service fee ($2,000).
  3. You pay $5,500 up front.
  4. Monthly payment of $1375 for 12 months. With an additional $30/month once the site is published.
  5. After balance is paid, you fully own the site.

Have questions? Send us an email or we can chat about it during our call.

Are you ready?

“Not to be dramatic, but I’ve never loved a website so much in my life.”