
All sorts of resources for church websites and communications


How to Write Great Website Copy

An often overlooked aspect of a church website is it’s copywriting. You may have great design and images on your website, but bad copy can be a real hindrance to a great church website.
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Custom vs. Template Church Websites

Having an effective church website is crucial for churches of all sizes. But what kind of web platform should you use for your church website?
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How To Get Free Advertising

Your church can get $10,000 per month in free ad credits through Google's Ad Grant program. Use this guide to learn how to apply and maximize the Google Ads Grant.
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What is Webflow?

There are many web platforms that are available to host your church website, but which one should you choose? In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of using Webflow. So you can understand if it’s a good fit for your church website.
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The Best Church Websites of 2024

Need some inspiration for your next church website? We've got you covered.
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Who is Your Church Website For?

What if we told you that your church website wasn't primarily for your church? That instead, your church website is the front door to inviting more people into your community.
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Best Practices for Sunday Announcements

Your church has a lot going on. How do you utilize announcements on Sunday so they're effective for your community?
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“Not to be dramatic, but I’ve never loved a website so much in my life.”